I graduated at from Pace University in New York in 2016 and got a job offer located in Boston. I decided that 4 years in the big apple was enough for me, so I took the opportunity and moved all the way to Boston. Since I am an international student from Sweden, I only got one year to stay and work in the states before my visa would run out. I was not ready to leave after that year and decided that I wanted to further my education here.
I applied for the Digital Media Master program at Northeastern University with a focus on Digital Video and Graphic Design. I got accepted and a new chapter in my life started. I am currently finishig up my first semester in grad school and I absolutely love it. I cannot wait to see where this journey will take me, but I am positive that it will lead me to new and better opportunities.

Here is a picture of me after winning the East Coast Conference for the first time my sophomere of undergrad. I played my first two years for University of Bridgeport and then transferred to Pace Univeristy in New York. Playing soccer all for years of college was an amazing experience that I would not trade for anything. It was stressful at times but the feeling of winning games and representing a college was something special. I wish that I could continue to play soccer at Northeastern but unfortunately my four years of elegibility are up and I have to stick to the intramural league for now.